Achievement and Worth

A lot of the time achievement and worth are often intertwined in our society, leading people to believe that their worth is determined by their level of accomplishment. However, this belief is problematic as it can lead to feelings of inadequacy and a constant drive to achieve more. It's important to recognize that achievement and worth are unrelated concepts.

Our worth as human beings is inherent and cannot be measured by external factors such as success, wealth, or accomplishments. We are valuable simply for existing, and our worth is not diminished by any external circumstances or events.

Achievements are certainly something to be proud of, and they can bring a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. However, they do not define our worth as individuals. We all have different strengths, weaknesses, and life circumstances, and using achievement as the sole metric to determine our self-worth can be unfair and unrealistic.

I believe that pursuing achievement at the expense of our mental, emotional, and physical well-being can be detrimental. Burnout, stress, and anxiety can arise when we place too much emphasis on achieving certain goals, leading to negative consequences for our health and relationships.  I’ve seen this in elite athletes who are striving to be the absolute best.

Carol on the podium in Tokyo

Silver medallist in the WT2 time trial

Instead of equating achievement with worth, we have to focus on developing a healthy and positive sense of self-worth. This involves recognizing and valuing our own unique qualities and strengths, irrespective of external achievements. As I speak about we need to be original because our uniqueness can create magic.  It also involves practicing self-care, self-compassion, and empathy towards ourselves and others.

Remember, achievement and worth are unrelated concepts, and it’s important to differentiate the two. Acknowledging our inherent worth and focusing on developing a positive sense of self-worth can lead to greater happiness, satisfaction, and a more fulfilling life. Instead of striving for perfection or comparing ourselves to others, let us recognize the value in who we are simply because we exist.


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