Are You Failing To Try?

We often hear about the fear of failure, but what about the fear of trying? It’s easy to get caught up in the idea of success or failure, but what’s often overlooked is the importance of simply trying. The fear of not succeeding can be so overwhelming that it stops us from even taking the first step. But here’s the thing: not trying is the only guaranteed way to fail.

When you don’t try, you deny yourself the opportunity to learn, grow, and discover what you’re truly capable of. Trying is where the magic happens. It’s where you challenge yourself, take risks, and push beyond your comfort zone. Whether you succeed or stumble, every attempt is a step forward. You learn what works, what doesn’t, and most importantly, you learn about yourself.

If I hadn’t tried that first Time Trial or worried about the fact that I was riding a trike or worried that I would fail, I wouldn’t have accomplished what I have.

The truth is, success is rarely a straight line. It’s often the result of numerous attempts, failures, and adjustments. Each time you try, you’re refining your approach, getting closer to your goal, and building resilience. The fear of failure can paralyse you, but the regret of not trying can haunt you for much longer.

So ask yourself: Are you holding back because you’re afraid of failing? Or because you’re afraid of trying? If it’s the latter, it’s time to shift your mindset. Trying isn’t about achieving perfection; it’s about taking action, regardless of the outcome.

Embrace the process of trying. Celebrate your efforts, no matter how small, because every attempt brings you one step closer to your goals. Don’t let the fear of failure keep you from trying. Instead, let the fear of not trying propel you forward.


Being the Original You


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