Embracing My Age

Today is a special day as I celebrate my 62nd birthday. As I reflect upon the passing years, I am filled with a sense of gratitude and accomplishment. While some may see this number as a symbol of aging and limitations, I choose to embrace it as a testament to the resilience and determination that has guided my life's journey.

Throughout my existence, I have encountered countless individuals who doubted my abilities and questioned my choices. They believed that at this stage in my life, I should settle into a life of quiet retirement and relinquish any ambitions I may have had. But I have always been a believer in defying expectations and proving the naysayers wrong.

With each passing year, I have become more adept at silencing the voices of doubt and embracing the challenges that come my way. Age is not a barrier; it is an invitation to explore new avenues and push the boundaries of what is possible. I refuse to allow others to define my limitations or dictate the course of my life.

In my pursuit of personal growth and fulfillment, I have embarked on endeavours that some may consider unconventional or even impossible for someone my age. I continue race , I’ve written two books, embraced new ambassadorship roles, and embarked fun filled adventures. I have traveled to far-flung corners of the world (thank you cycling) and explored the depths of my passions.

Each step I take towards the unknown is a testament to my unwavering belief that age is merely a number. By defying expectations and challenging societal norms, I have discovered a wealth of experiences and achievements that have brought immense joy and fulfillment to my life.

As I celebrate this 62nd birthday, I do so with a renewed sense of purpose and a commitment to continue embracing the number attached to me. I am a living testament to the fact that one can defy societal expectations and achieve greatness, regardless of age.

My journey is far from over, and I eagerly await the adventures that lie ahead, ready to prove once again that I am capable of accomplishing what others say I can't possibly do.


Resilience - A Life Long Endeavour


Seize Life’s Opportunities