Creating Purposeful Action: Reflect, Learn, and Build Your Best Year

Having a strong sense of purpose gives your life direction and clarity. It acts as a compass, guiding your decisions, actions, and responses to challenges. But purpose alone isn't enough—consistent, intentional action is what brings that purpose to life. To create the best year ever, it’s essential to look back, reflect on both your successes and failures, and build a system that keeps you moving forward every day.

At the end of each year of my cycling career, I would look back at the year and make plans for the following year to see what if anything I could do better to stay at the elite level and to be able to continue improving. Reflection is a powerful tool in this process.

Take a moment to think about where you’ve succeeded and where you’ve stumbled. What lessons can you take from those wins and setbacks? Wins should remind you of your strengths, the moments when you were at your best, and the strategies that worked. Failures, on the other hand, offer insight into what didn’t work and why. Instead of viewing them as something to avoid, embrace them as a valuable part of your growth, it Reflecting on both helps you identify patterns, understand your own resilience, and refine your approach.

Once you’ve reflected, it’s time to take consistent action. Create a system—whether it's daily habits, routines, or rituals—that supports your purpose. These daily actions are small, but when done consistently, they compound over time and help you reach your bigger goals. It’s like planting seeds and nurturing them; over time, they grow into something meaningful. These systems should align with your values, strengths, and purpose, providing structure and focus as you work toward your best year.

Every day is an opportunity to act with intention. By reflecting on the past and learning from it, while building a daily system of actions that keep you aligned with your purpose, you can create a year that’s not only successful but deeply fulfilling.


The Next Chapter


Closing the Chapter: My Final World Championships and the Journey Ahead