Never Take Your Health for Granted?

I know that I have been a bit quite over the past 3 weeks and that is because I have been extremely sick.  So today I really wanted to talk about how I think most of the time we all take our health for granted.

Even though I have MS, the last 20 or so years my health has been pretty good and I believe that because I have been involved in sport and exercise it has really helped.  Sure I have had some accidents in the past few years where you are able to fix things and even through the pandemic and having Covid I was always able to get over those times.  But this year has certainly been different!

Having fought off pneumonia at the start of the year in my right lung, I didn’t think that it would hit me again towards the end of March, this time in the left lung.  But then to add complications Covid reared it’s angry head this last admission.   This led to ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) which put me in ICU and on high flow oxygen.  I have never not been able to breath properly and this was tough, along with being put in isolation because of the Covid.  Thank goodness my sister Cynthia flew down from Canada and spent every day in isolation with me dressed in all her PPE gear.

It has been a long road to recovery with a long road ahead of me and to be honest I do believe that I have taken my health for granted, something that I will never do again. I head to rehab this week to get myself moving but it will be a long time before I am back riding like before, but I will get there.

So do you take your health for granted?  Most of us wake up each morning and get on with our day. Yes, as we age, we get our aches and niggles, but we put it down to just that—aging.

Our health is our most valuable asset, and it’s so easy to overlook it until something goes wrong. Whether it's through regular exercise, a balanced diet, or simply taking time to rest and recuperate, it's crucial to be mindful of how we treat our bodies. Let’s cherish our health and take proactive steps to maintain it. Trust me, you don’t want to wait until you’re forced to appreciate it.


Navigating Uncertainty


While You See A Chance Take It