Are You Mindful of What You Have?
How often do we catch ourselves wishing for more? A bigger house, a new car, a fatter bank account, or a better job? It’s human nature to want more, to strive for the next big thing.
But in chasing what’s ahead, we sometimes forget just how good we already have it. We overlook the things that truly matter—our health, our families, the job that puts food on the table, and the people who stand in our corner.
Now, don’t get me wrong—I’m all for ambition. If you’re not happy with where you are, then by all means, change it! But while reaching for more, it’s just as important to be mindful of what we already have. Here’s how:
1. Practice Daily Gratitude
Start or end each day by listing three things you’re grateful for. They don’t have to be big—sometimes it’s as simple as a good cup of coffee, a sunny day, or a chat with a friend. Writing them down or saying them out loud reinforces appreciation and shifts your mindset toward abundance.
I put this into practice during lockdown, and honestly, it was tough at first. But over time, it became easier, and I realised just how many little joys were already present in my life.
2. Be Present in the Moment
It’s easy to overlook what we have when we’re always chasing what’s next. Take a moment to slow down and truly experience what’s around you. Savor a meal without distractions. Listen—really listen—when someone speaks. Step outside and notice the breeze, the colours of the sky, or the laughter of a child. When we’re present, we see the beauty that’s been there all along.
3. Reframe Challenges as Lessons
Instead of focusing on what’s missing or what’s hard, try looking at struggles through a different lens. Every challenge builds resilience. Every setback teaches something. The tough moments, as much as we wish they weren’t there, are often the very things that shape us into stronger, wiser versions of ourselves.
By practicing these three habits, we can stay mindful of the incredible things we already have—while still leaving space to grow, dream, and chase what’s next.