Focus on the Possible Rather than the Impossible

In life, we often find ourselves staring at a mountain of challenges, feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to move forward. The key to overcoming these obstacles is to shift our focus from what's impossible to what's possible. This mindset shift can transform our approach to challenges and open up new pathways to success.

Often, we get caught up in what we can’t do, letting doubts and limitations dictate our actions. This kind of thinking only serves to hold us back. Instead, consider what you can do, what steps you can take, and how you can move forward. By focusing on possibilities rather than limitations, you create room for growth and innovation.

This principle applies to every aspect of life. When faced with adversity or when we encounter setbacks, it's crucial to reframe our thinking. These setbacks can be of our own doing or because of someone else’s way of thinking.

I remember as an elite rower one of the coaches sitting me down at the end of a season and asking me what I was going to be doing the following year as I was getting a bit old! I looked at him and said ‘I’ll be rowing, what are you going to be doing because you are older than me!’ My thinking shifted to ‘What I could do in this situation?’ or ‘How I could turn this challenge into an opportunity?’ I knew that I couldn’t change his way of thinking but I could change my way of training to make sure I was in the best possible form to continue and to defy what he thought I was capable of.

I didn’t dwell on the limitations that he was placing on me and the shift in my perspective fostered my resilience and perseverance and also encouraged my creativity and growth because I started thinking differently about my training.

So if you face adversity or setbacks by focusing on the possible rather than the impossible, you will empower yourself to achieve your goals. Stop thinking, “I can’t do this,” tell yourself, “I can do this and I can learn and improve.” This small shift in perspective can make a significant difference in how you approach and overcome challenges.

For me I made the team the following year dispite what the coaches personal thoughts were at the end of the last season. And I was able to leave the sport on my own terms and not be dictated by someone else.

Remember, resilience isn’t innate; it’s something we can develop. By focusing on the possible rather than the impossible, we empower ourselves to overcome obstacles and achieve our goals. Embrace this mindset, and you'll find that what once seemed insurmountable becomes achievable.


Are You Bored, Tired, or Burnt Out?


Building Resilience