Is Your Passion What You Do?

What did you love to do when you were 12 or 18 or 25?  Is this passion something you are still doing and if not why?

I think that in life we tend to follow what others want us to do in life instead of doing what we are really passionate about.  I know that for most of my childhood I never thought of joining the police force, I believed there were enough family members doing that.  But I followed in the footsteps of my family of my own volition and not begrudgingly.  However growing up it wasn’t something I thought I would even make my career.  14 years later I realised it wasn’t something I wanted to do my entire life, so I left.

I loved sport and I loved talking!!  Both of which I am still passionate about. 

I made my first public speech at age 12 in grade 7, in front of the entire school, and it was a comedy called ‘My Dad the Handyman’.  I say it was a comedy because anyone who knew my dad knew he was not handy at fixing things.  Not that he didn’t try and he knew that he just wasn’t cut out to be a handyman, it certainly wasn’t his passion!  So my first talk ever was about him and his clumsiness!  Even he laughed at it. 

I won first prize and that was a real start of a passion for me and it continues to this day to the point of me making it a business for myself.  My other passion of sport…well yes I’m still doing that every day as well and probably will until the day they close the pine lid!

Do you take part in your passion each and every day or are you in a job/career that you are just doing to make ends meet?  Maybe if you aren’t passionate about your career it’s time to switch and find what it is you really want to be doing.  As they say, life is too short.

Now you are probably sitting there thinking why is it so important to be passionate about what I do? 

When you are passionate about what you do

  • You can most likely get through any difficulty thrown at you as you are more resilient

  • You are more positive about life. 

  • Not only are you motivated to find success but your passion sets you up for success

  • Those people who are around you, your family, co-workers or employees will be happier because of your outlook on life.

  • You will consistently look for better ways to improve yourself, your role, and your business in general.

  • You have a much bigger focus on growth and development.

So what do you do if you don’t know what your passion is?  Take the practical steps to find your passion, engage in things you find interesting or valuable.  Hire a coach, read books, take courses on things that interest you, take assessments and actively look for clues in the passions of your life that inspire you. 

Last of all take the big step and follow that passion to lead an extraordinary life!


Being Fearless


Who Are You?