Who Are You?

Does anyone truly know who they are?

The last time I was flying home to Australia and had to fill in the landing card there was a box asking for my occupation description.  I really struggled with what to put in that little box as I am a whole mixed bag of things, athlete, author, speaker and much, much more.  So do you leave it blank and hope that the customs officer doesn’t ask you or write self-employed and still have them ask what I do?

We always describe ourselves to people by what we do as an occupation instead of who we really are and I think it would really throw some people if I answered in this way – “Hi I’m Carol, I am a spiritual being that has been born into a human life, who loves her family, is devoted to her friends and wants to be unforgettable for always trying to do the right thing”.

I’m sure that the person who asked would look at me and try to escape the nutter they have just been speaking with!  But we aren’t our occupations, we are humans with feelings and beliefs that are our own.  We all have amazing stories, each and every one of us, we just have to realise that.  No one has a mundane life and that is what is so amazing about our human lives, we are all different.

It takes some thinking to really know who you are.  But the best thing about life is that we get another day and another chance to become who we were created to be and what we were created to fulfill.

So next time you meet someone for the first time ask them who they are, if they start to answer with an occupation, stop them politely and say, “No who are you really, inside.”  You may find some amazing stories and the greatest teachers we could ever have are others stories.



Is Your Passion What You Do?


Quiet the Noise