Quiet the Noise

There are times we all struggle with that little voice inside our head that tells us we aren’t good enough, not slim enough, not strong enough, won’t amount to anything and the list goes on.  We say things to ourselves that we would never say to anyone!

We all have negativity at some point in our lives, but some have it all the time and at times it’s hard to quiet the noise. We worry about what we perceive other people’s opinions of us are and sometimes that negative voice in your head can become predominant and make decisions for you in life. Then you become someone you’re not, you lose that original you, all because of the thoughts in your head.

We do however have good thoughts running through our head at times, like daydreaming which can help you be more creative.  But invariably the negative thoughts take over and can be destructive.

Fear starts to evolve from those negative thoughts and take over your life.  Sometimes you won’t even try something new because those thoughts in your head are saying “Oh don’t be stupid, you won’t be good at that”.  And the older we get without challenging those thoughts the easier it gets to believe them.

So how do we quiet those negative thoughts?  Well here are 5 ways to start quieting the noise in your head:

1.     Become aware of the thoughts that are holding you back, what story are you telling yourself?

2.     When you have them reframe them into something positive.

3.     If you have negative thoughts, really look hard at them and look for proof – I bet you won’t find any.

4.     Limit the amount of time you allow for negative thoughts.  This way you won’t carry them around with you.

5.     Empty your brain and try to control your mind, this can be done using mindful meditation.

Remember that the voice in your head is not who you are.  Who are you then?  The one who sees that!  If you can see that, you won’t have to live with those negative thoughts constantly.


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