What You Do Makes a Difference

Is making a difference important to you? Have you ever wanted to create an impact?  And what is making a difference to you?

I believe that we all want to make an impact and a difference at some point in our lives otherwise why are we here on this earth.  By making a difference in the world you actually create an impact.  These differences can be small, like picking up that piece of litter on the street or just being kind to someone, or your difference can be big like donating a large amount of money or adopting a child.  Whether big or small that difference will have a huge impact!

Why is it important to make a difference?

Our behaviour and actions have not only an impact on those around us but on ourselves as well.  If you are kind to someone then there is proof that this not only makes the receiver happy but makes your life happy as well. (Hui et al., 2020 study)

Making good choices to make a difference sets a good example to others and will help influence them to make good choices as well.

Never underestimate that what you do and how you do it will leave a lasting imprint.  If you are in a leadership position this is even more of a responsibility because, what you do and how you do it can influence the course of someone’s life or career. When I talk about leadership, this is not only at work but in life, as a parent, a teacher, a sibling even in friendship, there are leaders everywhere. 

The question we need to ask ourselves is am I making a difference or an impact in life?  If you don’t believe you are there here are 5 ways to make a difference:

1.     Be kind to people – have generosity, compassion and empathy.

2.     Set good examples to your children or your co-workers

3.     Be the change you want to see in the world

4.     Initiate a positive exchange in all that you do

5.     Listen, really listen to others, give them all your attention.

As Mahatma Gandhi said, “In a gentle way, you can shake the world”.  So yes what you do and how you do it does make a difference!



Quiet the Noise


Decide to Be