It’s All About the Journey

Almost all of us will set goals within our lifetime.  Some of us will reach those goals and some of us won’t, that is just a fact of life.  We live our lives goal driven but really life is about the journey on your road to whatever goal or destination you set.

But do any of us know what our ultimate destination will be?  Life has so many twists and turns along its road that the one goal we set may turn out to be very different towards the final destination.  I look back at my life and see many different destinations that due to circumstances changed drastically before I even came close to reaching them.

Yes, I may have been sad or devastated that I didn’t reach a goal, but I can truly say that those changes, challenges or failures were just all part of my journey to my ultimate destination.  One which I can honestly say I have no idea what it will be and probably won’t until the end. 

You see Life is the journey and you have to take it all in.  I’m not saying don’t set goals or big plans but make sure you are loving the journey along the way even if those goals or plans do change.  We all think that the destination is the reward but truly the only reward is in the process.

So really live the journey and embrace the changes and challenges because you are on the road you are meant to be on. As my sister Cynthia once said to me, after failing to qualify for the Beijing Paralympics in rowing, ‘if you are enjoying the journey it doesn’t matter the destination, just take it a minute, an hour, a day, a week, a month and a year at a time and love it all.’

“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced”. ~ Soren Kierkegaard


The High Performance Mindset of an Athlete


Sometimes in Life Things Don’t Always go According to Plan