The High Performance Mindset of an Athlete

Elite athletes have to have a high performance mindset to be the best in the world and I believe that there are 6 characteristics to that mindset.

First you have to have a goal.  As an elite athlete you have to set a goal and be able to clarify the vision and path that you are going to take to reach it.  A lot of people believe that elite athletes are always motivated but that’s not true.  We can all lose motivation and it is more about dedication to your goal.  That dedication is the action you take that will increase your motivation and the action we take comes from the inspiration that is our goal.

Secondly elite athletes are always measuring their progress towards their goal.  This doesn’t mean that they just work on your weaknesses, they also have to continue working on their strengths.  Sometimes getting the balance in doing this can be tough but the elite athlete will continue to drive forward.

Thirdly an elite athlete takes full responsibility and ownership of their actions.  They know their plan, their why and their purpose for what they are doing.  There is no blaming others for possible mistakes or failures.

The fourth characteristic is that they are passionate about what they are doing.  They wouldn’t be spending hours on their craft if they hated doing it.  When they are passionate about their chosen field it gives them the desire, drive and determination to succeed.  Elite athletes love what they do and this makes them want to practice and put in the extra hard yards.

Fifth – the elite athlete takes care of their body, mind and spirit.  They execute good self-care habits and have the discipline to maintain those habits.

And lastly the elite athlete always seeks out great coaching.  They will intentionally look for and listen to coaches who can help them break through to the next level, to get that little 1% better and to get the best out of them in every aspect of their training.

This mindset can be translated into any area of life whether that be personal or professional. 

What goal do you have that you can utilise these characteristics for to succeed and be the best that you can be?



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