Life Doesn’t Care

Despite everything I have gone through in life I have refused to let these challenges dictate my life. It would have been easy to give in to fear or despair, but instead, I chose to focus on what I could control—my attitude, my actions, and my resilience. Life doesn’t care how hard it hits you, but it gives you the choice to stand back up and keep going.

When life throws unexpected curveballs, we often feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and even angry. But complaining or dwelling on the “why me” doesn’t change the outcome. The truth is life doesn’t come with a guarantee of smooth sailing. Things will go wrong. You’ll face setbacks, and sometimes those setbacks will knock the wind out of you. But how you respond to those moments is what shapes your journey.

For me, every obstacle—whether it was MS, an Ovarian cancer scare, my recent lung issues or relearning to walk (so many times in the last 26 years) — became an opportunity to fight harder, to grow stronger, and to prove to myself that I could keep moving forward. It's not about pretending life is easy or ignoring pain; it's about acknowledging that tough times come but refusing to let them define you. Life doesn’t care, but I do. I care about how I live my life, how I react to hardship, and how I continue pushing forward, no matter the odds.

So the next time life doesn’t go according to plan, remember: it’s not about what happens to you, but how you choose to respond. Life may not care, but you always can.


The Next Chapter