Sharing insights, stories and adventures
Right Now It’s Like This
It has been a while since I have written a blog and that is for a number of reasons. First as most of you would know I was at the Tokyo Paralympic Games competing in the road cycling and I felt like I needed to concentrate on just what I was doing in the moment. Second, on September 2nd during my road race I was unfortunately involved in a crash only about 6 minutes into the race.
5 Ways to Improve Your Self-Talk
We all do it, talk to ourselves. But think about it, are you critical or positive to yourself? I would hazard to say that we are all much more critical of ourselves than positive. How many times have you thought or said to yourself you wished your stomach was flatter, or you were skinner or in better shape?
Frustrating Times in Life
We all experience frustrating times in life and especially in the last 15 months during this pandemic. We all thought that once we got through lockdown last year that life as we know it would return to normal. Well now as us Victorians are into our 4th lockdown the frustration is building again.
Acceptance in the Moment
The one thing that I have been learning from my daily meditation is to live in the moment and within that moment to accept whatever is happening be it good or bad. If we are trying to change things then we aren’t accepting what is in this exact moment. We have to be open to each new moment without expectation. Let go of the past as each new moment emerges.
3 Reasons to Unmask Yourself
No doubt you are thinking that I am going to be writing about the masks that we are wearing currently due to COVID – 19, but I’m not. Those are essential masks that we should be using! What I am talking about is learning to love who we are and accept ourselves instead of trying to be someone that we aren’t.