Welcome to 2023

Happy New Year everyone!

As I welcome everyone to the new year and reflect on the past year…well I guess the past couple of years, I can’t help but wonder where the hell they went! Especially 2022 and I’ve come to the realisation that we have all been on fast forward for a year trying to make up for the 2 that seem lost.

With lockdowns and quarantines in 2020-2021 I know I wanted to do as much as I could in 2022 to make up for it and if I’m honest, to get things done in case we were put in lock down again!

I’ve been very lucky in that I have travelled a fair bit this past year, with some racing overseas right after a bout with Covid in April.  I headed to the World Cups in Belgium and Germany with my good friend (sista) Berthy May to help me.  After having Covid I wasn’t sure how I would go, but I had a gold and silver in Belgium and then had my butt kicked in Germany! 

We have a number of new riders in the Women’s T2 category who are young and strong. It’s great to see the category expanding, but geez they are hard to race against! The German World Cup was the first World Cup in 11 years that I haven’t been on the podium, but it is a changing of the guard and so good to see.

I then headed with the team to Canada for the 3rd World Cup, again getting my butt kicked in Quebec City, but my main focus was the World Championships in Baie Comeau, Quebec.  I was able win Silver in the Women’s T2 Time Trial and placed 4th in the Road Race (one of the toughest races physically I have ever done). But the best part of my trip to Canada was visiting my family I hadn’t seen in 3 years. I was so lucky to have been able to visit them because only a month after coming home my Aunt Rheta passed away suddenly, I am so grateful for the time I got to spend with her while I was there. It is hard being so far from loved ones, so it was a blessing to spend time with my family - mom, sister Cynthia, nephew Chris and neice Lea and just be together.

These last 3 months of the year have had their challenges and excitement, another bout of Covid and trying to get back into some sort of fitness, but I know that I will get there. Getting my website and speaking collateral together, doing more writing and even more speaking gigs coming in.

I’m looking forward to 2023 with a lot more travelling again for competition and yes I’m still racing! I figure I’ll keep going untill they tell me to stop! I love inspiring the next generation of cyclists and show them that a number that is against you doesn’t determine what you can and can’t do.

So again, Happy New Year to everyone and I wish you the best year ever!


Decide to Be
