Sharing insights, stories and adventures

Blog, Celebration Carol Cooke Blog, Celebration Carol Cooke

Welcome to 2023

As I welcome everyone to the new year and reflect on the past year…well I guess the past couple of years, I can’t help but wonder where the hell they went! Especially 2022 and I’ve come to the realisation that we have all been on fast forward for a year trying to make up for the 2 that seem lost.

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Blog, Motivation, Inspiration Carol Cooke Blog, Motivation, Inspiration Carol Cooke

Embrace the Positives

All we hear day in and day out is the negative in the world we live in. Covid, war, climate change, riots, rebellion, crime and the list goes on. Negativity in the world shapes how you look at the world. Negativity sells, just look at the televison, listen to the radio or read the papers.

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Blog Carol Cooke Blog Carol Cooke

It’s Okay To Say No

So for about a year now I have tried to put out a blog each week and I have been very diligent in doing it on a Sunday afternoon. Yesterday was Sunday and I had the typical Sunday for me, a day off from training, some laundry and a bit of a tidy around the house. I must say it was a good day for it because it was cold, wet and windy!

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