Embrace the Positives

All we hear day in and day out is the negative in the world we live in. Covid, war, climate change, riots, rebellion, crime and the list goes on. Negativity in the world shapes how you look at the world. Negativity sells, just look at the televison, listen to the radio or read the papers.

Negativity has been bred into us, going back to caveman days. We had to be always on the lookout for danger, if we didn’t it could mean the end.

I don’t know about you but I get tired of all the negativity. Yes things are happening around the world that we need to know about but I have met people, especially in the last 3 years, who have just a huge bad outlook on life. Just look at the stats for depression, health issues and suicide.

We don’t take the time to see the positive in life, even a positive from a negative. And it is a hard thing to learn to do…find the positives.

I know that when the pandemic began and we were in lockdown I decided to write 3 things I was grateful for each night before I went to sleep. It wasn’t easy to do, in fact at the beginning I had a really hard time thinking of 3 things I was grateful for. But as I tried to rewire my brain and do this each night it got easier. I know this isn’t going to change the world, but it is one step to change our perceptions.

We have to be more vigilant on what we give our attention to and let the light overwhelm the dark. Little things like thinking ‘What I have’ instead of ‘What I don’t have’, ‘What I have’ instead of ‘What I think I’ve lost’.

Shift the way you see things and try to embrace even the smallest positive, because if you do you will find that life can be beautiful. You are the master of your own power to transform the way you think and no one else can do it for you.




The Decision to Try