The Decision to Try

Have you ever wondered about trying something but were so worried you wouldn’t succeed that you didn’t even give it a go?

The other day my husband Russ and I were sitting outside loving the weather and having a chat. As we were sitting at the backyard table we watched a little spider spinning a web and trying to get from the table to the barbeque which just happened to be about a metre away.

This spider kept trying to shoot their silk across to the side table and try as they might it wasn’t quite getting there. The wind would send it in a different direction, not quite hitting the mark. The spider would move a bit from side to side on the edge of the table and try, try again. Eventually we saw it, which looked like it was walking on air, crossing between the table and the barbeque. It had finally been able to bridge the gap and make its way over. This sounds silly but we watched this spider for over 10 minutes, never giving up and never quite making it until finally it had.

How many times do we attempt to do something in life and when we don’t succeed, never try again?

A friend of mine was recently at an event selling her book and she had some affirmations that she was telling people to take. One of those affirmations was “Every accomplishment starts with the decision to TRY”.

Whatever you want to accomplish in life definitely begins with the decision to try and if you are defeated the first time then try, try again. Everything we do in life starts with just one step, just like the baby trying to walk. They fall down hundreds if not thousands of times, but they always get back up and try again, until one day they aren’t only walking but running.

Only you have the power to turn your dreams into reality and that starts with the decision to try!


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