The Fuel of Success

Success is different for everyone, no two people are alike.

For some, a dream of baking the most amazing cakes and becoming the best pastry chef they can be is success or for others, a dream of being the richest person in the world is success for them, or being the best partner, parent, sibling or friend is success for another. No dream is any bigger than the other, it’s what you want as an individual.

I always tell people to dream big and the bigger the better, because I believe that we can all reach the heights of success…whatever that means to each of us.

But how do people become successful? A lot of people will look at the millionaire and just say they were lucky, in the right place at the right time. I’d bet my house on it that they weren’t just lucky but worked their butts off to get where they are. Even the pastry chef, the partner, the parent, the sibling and the friend have to work hard to attain their success, neither are any different, just different challenges and problems.

We all go through challenges and problems in life and through the resilience we learn from these we take a step closer to our own successes. To get through them you need to find your own source of motivation so that you can feed your courage and tenacity during times of adversity.

Passion, perserverance, determination and happiness are four traits that come to mind when I see someone who is successfull. Whatever your goal is if you aren’t passionate about what you are doing, being happy about giving it your all, being determined to get to that goal no matter what and perservere through road blocks that may loom before you, you will have a very hard time becoming successful.

So what is your fuel of success, what is driving you to overcome any obstacles in your path?


The Decision to Try


Let The Speaking Begin