Welcome to my New Website

Well I must admit that it has been a while, in fact, 11 months since I wrote a blog! Life seems to have gotten away from me this year. It has been a busy one, as usual, and a productive one.

We have all been touched by Covid and as of this morning I am dealing with it for the second time. But I’m alright and it’s like having a niggling little cold that just won’t go away! At least it is giving me the opportunity to catch up on things this week and hopefully I will be productive with writing this week.

As for the new website, I decided I wanted to move away from the sporting site to more of a business website for more speaking opportunites.

I want to thank the company Social Star owned and operated by Andrew Ford, who I have known for a number of years. Thanks also to Lily Schultz, my account manager and a huge thanks to Shinyi Chin who has created and designed my new website. She has also done a number of training videos for me…this old gal is learning more technology navigating my new site! We started in July before I went overseas and finished in October with a number of tweaks along the way. But it is finsihed and ready for business!

In fact I got my first message for a number of speaking gigs for a company in 3 different cities in March, so I’m on a roll!

Please have a look around and let me know what you think! I’d love to hear from you via email

Have a ripper of a week!!!


Let The Speaking Begin


5 Simple Ways to Become Fearless - Inspite of Covid