Sharing insights, stories and adventures

Carol Cooke Carol Cooke

6 Steps to Build Resilience

Resilience is an essential quality for navigating life's challenges, setbacks and obstacles. It helps us to recover from setbacks more quickly and bounce back stronger than before. While some people might be naturally resilient, the good news is that resilience can be learned and developed. Here are six steps to help you become more resilient:

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Carol Cooke Carol Cooke

Learning to Embrace Failure

So, the last time you failed at something what did you do?  Most of us are embarrassed about letting anyone know that we have failed, so we hide our failure from the rest of the world and sometimes ourselves, not wanting to accept that we had failed.  We have grown up learning about succeeding and not many of us learnt about failure in our younger years.

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Carol Cooke Carol Cooke

Leaving Room For the Unknown

It’s great to have expectations of how our life will turn out but it isn’t good to form an attachment to a specific outcome because life has a funny way of changing it.

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Carol Cooke Carol Cooke

Perfectly Imperfect

How many times do we look in the mirror and always seem to find something wrong with ourselves? We never seem to be happy with ourselves as we see it. We always want to be just those few kilos lighter or heavier, our hair curlier, thicker or straighter, those few less wrinkles or that little bit younger or older.

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Carol Cooke Carol Cooke


A short story to share with you!

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Carol Cooke Carol Cooke

Making a Difference

Numerous times we don’t think that just one person doing something no matter how small it is can make a difference. Well I believe that we can and although we may not see the difference right away that small act can help causes a ripple effect.

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Carol Cooke Carol Cooke

6 Ways To Find Courage

Courage and fear go hand in hand. We all face fear, but finding the courage to reach for our goals come from within. Fulfillment and success doesn’t come from staying within your comfort zone. You have to use that fear to make an impact.

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Carol Cooke Carol Cooke

Chasing Your Dreams

Most of us have dreams about what we want to do in life, or we had dreams of who and what we wanted to become and a small minority of us have fulfilled those dreams. But what if we could all reach for the stars and find the life that we all thought we were meant to have? Most people just think that those dreams we had in our younger years were just pipe dreams. Dreams of a whimsical nature with the question of ‘how could I possibly reach it?’

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Carol Cooke Carol Cooke

4 Ways of Overcoming Challenges

No matter what our plans or goals in life are, we will always face challenges. We need to identify what those challenges will be if we hope to overcome them. Will they be environmental, personal or social obstacles? Are they controllable or out of your control?

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Carol Cooke Carol Cooke

7 Steps to Finding Your Inner Gold

I do believe that when bad stuff happens to us if you let it go then things do come back to us. 7 steps for you to find your own ‘Inner Gold’;

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Carol Cooke Carol Cooke

Accepting What Is

How many of us wish for things to be different? I know that I can fall into this almost every day. If it is raining we want it to be sunny, if it is too hot we wish for a cool breeze. We can look in the mirror and wish for a different body, or we can wish for a different job. Or in today’s world we can wish for what used to be.

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