Sharing insights, stories and adventures
Adversity is Your Advantage
We all go through adversity in life but as we all know it’s not what happens in life but how we deal with it.
Reframe Your Thoughts
I remember watching my first Olympic games in 1968, the Mexico games, on our black and white television. Lying on the floor in front of it as a 7 year old and being absolutely mesmerised by the gymnasts. I loved gymnastics and right then and there I decided that I was going to be an Olympic gymnast for Canada.
The High Performance Mindset of an Athlete
Elite athletes have to have a high performance mindset to be the best in the world and I believe that there are 6 characteristics to that mindset.
It’s All About the Journey
Almost all of us will set goals within our lifetime. Some of us will reach those goals and some of us won’t, that is just a fact of life. We live our lives goal driven but really life is about the journey on your road to whatever goal or destination you set.
Sometimes in Life Things Don’t Always go According to Plan
As we are growing up and getting to the end of our schooling, deciding what we want to do with our lives we plan everything. We decide things like...Do I go to university or start working or maybe travel? What do I study? What will I do for a living? I did exactly that and had my whole life planned out...or so I thought. But just remember...things don't always go according to plan.
Being Fearless
Let me take you back to 1957.
A 20 year old young woman has moved from far north Canada to the big city of Toronto to start her adult life as a teacher. Her parents had worried about her going to the big city but let her make her own decisions and besides one of her older sisters was living there, so what problems or change could arise?
Is Your Passion What You Do?
What did you love to do when you were 12 or 18 or 25? Is this passion something you are still doing and if not why?
Quiet the Noise
There are times we all struggle with that little voice inside our head that tells us we aren’t good enough, not slim enough, not strong enough, won’t amount to anything and the list goes on. We say things to ourselves that we would never say to anyone!
What You Do Makes a Difference
Is making a difference important to you? Have you ever wanted to create an impact?
Decide to Be
Remember that who you are and what you do today will determine who you are in the future.