Sharing insights, stories and adventures

Inspiration Carol Cooke Inspiration Carol Cooke

Why Does Our World Seem Angry

I don’t know about the rest of you but lately it seems that everyone is angry! I have had people, mostly women, yelling at me on my trike. One woman became angry because I rang my bell to let her know I was there as she opened her car door. I thought I was just being safe and polite.

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Inspiration, Motivation, Celebration, MS, Speaking Carol Cooke Inspiration, Motivation, Celebration, MS, Speaking Carol Cooke

3 Most Important Reasons For Being Positive

I often get questions after a talk about how I stay so positive. Well I have always believed that it is better to be positive than negative. That doesn’t mean that I don’t have my negative times, of course I do, but I really don’t like who I am when I am negative. I have found over the years that no one ever likes hanging around with someone who is constantly negative.

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Inspiration, Motivation, Celebration Carol Cooke Inspiration, Motivation, Celebration Carol Cooke

Acceptance in the Moment

The one thing that I have been learning from my daily meditation is to live in the moment and within that moment to accept whatever is happening be it good or bad. If we are trying to change things then we aren’t accepting what is in this exact moment. We have to be open to each new moment without expectation. Let go of the past as each new moment emerges.

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Inspiration, Motivation, Family, Friends Carol Cooke Inspiration, Motivation, Family, Friends Carol Cooke

What We Can Learn From a Virus

For years scientists have spent their entire careers studying and trying to understand how viruses work. They are the ultimate nanomachines that build themselves from smaller components. As Helena Maier, an expert in coronavirus replication at the Pirbright Institute says, “Viruses are incredibly simple yet incredibly complicated. “

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