Sharing insights, stories and adventures

Inspiration, Motivation Carol Cooke Inspiration, Motivation Carol Cooke

Choice vs Need

Yesterday as I began my 3rd day of quarantine in a Melbourne hotel, I was looking through Instagram, trying to make time pass by and I came upon a quote from Ralph Marston “See your actions as being driven by your choices, not controlled by your needs.” Later in the day something else came up about the same thing and it made me realise that the universe was sending me some kind of message.

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Celebration, Family, Inspiration Carol Cooke Celebration, Family, Inspiration Carol Cooke

The Gift

I remember as a little girl I loved getting presents, I mean who doesn’t?! Even today if we are honest with ourselves, we love getting a beautifully wrapped gift to open. Everyone opens presents different, some may just rip it open off excited to see what is under the colourful paper and bows, but some just methodically take the parcel apart trying not to rip the paper so that it can be used again. As a child I think I was a definite paper ripper! But as I got older, I did like taking my time, relishing what was in the parcel.

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The Process vs The Outcome

How many times have we all set goals only to set our sights on the outcome instead of the process? I know that I have done it in the past even during a race by aiming for a specific time or speed that I want to finish in (the end product), instead of looking at the process during the race. Most often than not I fail at reaching that certain time or speed.

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Inspiration, Motivation, Celebration, MS, Speaking Carol Cooke Inspiration, Motivation, Celebration, MS, Speaking Carol Cooke

3 Most Important Reasons For Being Positive

I often get questions after a talk about how I stay so positive. Well I have always believed that it is better to be positive than negative. That doesn’t mean that I don’t have my negative times, of course I do, but I really don’t like who I am when I am negative. I have found over the years that no one ever likes hanging around with someone who is constantly negative.

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Blog Carol Cooke Blog Carol Cooke

It’s Okay To Say No

So for about a year now I have tried to put out a blog each week and I have been very diligent in doing it on a Sunday afternoon. Yesterday was Sunday and I had the typical Sunday for me, a day off from training, some laundry and a bit of a tidy around the house. I must say it was a good day for it because it was cold, wet and windy!

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Inspiration, Motivation, Family, Friends Carol Cooke Inspiration, Motivation, Family, Friends Carol Cooke

What We Can Learn From a Virus

For years scientists have spent their entire careers studying and trying to understand how viruses work. They are the ultimate nanomachines that build themselves from smaller components. As Helena Maier, an expert in coronavirus replication at the Pirbright Institute says, “Viruses are incredibly simple yet incredibly complicated. “

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