Sharing insights, stories and adventures
The Power of Potential
The power of your potential is an extraordinary force that resides within you, waiting to be discovered and unleashed.
Let Courage Defy Your Doubts
Letting courage defy your doubts is a transformative mindset that empowers individuals to overcome the barriers of uncertainty and embark on new journeys with conviction.
Unleashing Your Uniqueness
Recognizing and embracing this uniqueness is the first step towards unlocking your potential and creating magic in your life.
Never To Late To Learn
I believe that we can always learn no matter how long we have been on this planet and having just come home from my 9th World Para Cycling Road Championships I thought I would touch on 2 lessons I have learned in this last year.
Resilience - A Life Long Endeavour
As we face challenges along our journey called life, these stepping stones provide stability, helping us navigate the rough terrain and emerge stronger, more resilient, and better equipped to overcome future obstacles.
Embracing My Age
Today is a special day as I celebrate my 62nd birthday. As I reflect upon the passing years, I am filled with a sense of gratitude and accomplishment. While some may see this number as a symbol of aging and limitations, I choose to embrace it as a testament to the resilience and determination that has guided my life's journey.
Seize Life’s Opportunities
Taking opportunities when they arise is a fundamental aspect of living a fulfilling and rewarding life
Unleash Your Inner Superpowers
In a world filled with distractions and uncertainties, it's crucial to possess superpowers that can help us navigate through life and achieve our goals. While traditional superpowers may exist only in the realm of fantasy, each one of us has unique abilities that, when harnessed, can propel us towards success.
Why First Impressions are the Building Blocks of Strong Relationships
First impressions are crucial when it comes to meeting someone new. It is often said that we form an opinion about someone within the first few seconds of meeting them, and this can have a lasting impact on our relationship with them. In fact, research has shown that it takes just seven seconds for us to form a first impression of someone.
5 Reasons To Take a Chance on Change
Change is a constant and inevitable part of life, but it can be scary to take the leap and embrace it. However, it's important to take a chance on change because it can lead to personal growth, new experiences, and improved opportunities.
Creating Yourself
Life is not a journey to discover who we are, but rather a path to create who we want to be. We often get lost in the search for our true identity, thinking that it will reveal itself to us if we just look hard enough. But the truth is, our identity is not something that we find, it is something that we create.
Achievement and Worth
A lot of the time achievement and worth are often intertwined in our society, leading people to believe that their worth is determined by their level of accomplishment