Sharing insights, stories and adventures

Inspiration, Motivation Carol Cooke Inspiration, Motivation Carol Cooke

5 Ways to Improve Your Self-Talk

We all do it, talk to ourselves. But think about it, are you critical or positive to yourself? I would hazard to say that we are all much more critical of ourselves than positive. How many times have you thought or said to yourself you wished your stomach was flatter, or you were skinner or in better shape?

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Inspiration, Motivation Carol Cooke Inspiration, Motivation Carol Cooke

Learning to Let Go

How many times have we hung on to something so tight that we never wanted to let it go? Or held back on trying something new due to fear of failure, embarrassment or rejection? The protective walls that we build around ourselves can sometimes be stifling but they can also be useful during particularly difficult times which create a safe environment where we can heal.

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Inspiration, Motivation Carol Cooke Inspiration, Motivation Carol Cooke

8 Reasons Why It’s Okay to Be Wrong and Make Mistakes

None of us likes to be wrong or make mistakes! I know that I hate it, but why do we feel like it is the worst thing? Being wrong or making a mistake can leave us feeling unworthy or less valuable. We think people are always watching and seeing our mistakes. But sometimes we are the only one that really notices our mistakes because the rest of the world is more worried about themselves.

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Inspiration, Motivation, Celebration, MS, Speaking Carol Cooke Inspiration, Motivation, Celebration, MS, Speaking Carol Cooke

3 Most Important Reasons For Being Positive

I often get questions after a talk about how I stay so positive. Well I have always believed that it is better to be positive than negative. That doesn’t mean that I don’t have my negative times, of course I do, but I really don’t like who I am when I am negative. I have found over the years that no one ever likes hanging around with someone who is constantly negative.

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